গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার

জাতীয় ক্যান্সার গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট ও হাসপাতাল


মহাখালী, ঢাকা-১২১২


I welcome you to National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH) which is the country’s only tertiary level govt. hospital. Since its inception, NICRH has been guided by three core ideas: Commitment, Compassion and Community. We have taken a comprehensive approach to tackle cancer in respect to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. It is worth noting that we have already made great strides in offering leading-edge technologically advanced treatment with a warm a compassionate touch. 
Incorporation of latest technology equipments like Linear Accelerator with associated instruments in Radiation Oncology department made a significant shift of the treatment approach towards more curative intent. In order to reach to a level of a Comprehensive Cancer Center improvements in all other disciplines are also made with equal importance. With a fleet of highly qualified, eminent and visionary faculty members, this institute has been offering service to cancer patients.
Present democratic government under the leadership of Her Excellency Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is marching forward to transform this country in to a digital one by the year 2021 under an auspicious agenda “Vision 2021”. We are also striving for the same under the guidance of Honorable Minster for Health & Family Welfare Mohammad Nasim M.P.  Our new hospital building already started functioning with 300 bed capacity having all modern facilities and works for the further enrichment is in full swing. 
Our mission is to co-ordinate and integrates all of the cancer-combating effort of NICRH into a seamless and comprehensive program. I am constantly inspired by the teams that work together for this vital cause. Through the continued generosity of friends and partners we will be able to continue our journey. I am grateful to everyone for the collective work they done.
With best regards
Prof (Dr.) Md. Moarraf Hossen
Director and Professor of Radiotherapy
National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital
Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212 

Contact us

  • National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH)
  • Address: Mohakhali, TB Gate Road Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Phone: (+88)027913975, (+88)027914409
  • Fax: +88466554654
  • Email: info@nicrh.gov.bd
  • Website: www.nicrh.gov.bd